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Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf Descargar Free _HOT_booksksl

Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf Descargar Freebooksksl: A Review

If you are interested in the paranormal, you may have heard of Parapsicologia Prohibida, a rare and controversial book on parapsychology that claims to reveal the secrets of the human mind and its hidden powers. The book was written by Jose Maria Herrou Aragon, a self-proclaimed parapsychologist and occultist who claims to have mastered techniques such as telepathy, clairvoyance, hypnosis, astral projection, and psychic healing.

Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf Descargar Freebooksksl

Parapsicologia Prohibida is not an easy book to find. It was published in Spanish in 1980 and has never been translated into English. The book is also banned in many countries due to its controversial content and claims. However, thanks to the internet, you can now download Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf for free from various websites such as Tuxdoc, Idoc , and Freebooksksl.

But what exactly does Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf contain? And is it worth reading? In this article, we will give you a brief overview of the book and its main topics, as well as some of the pros and cons of reading it.

What is Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf about?

Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is divided into two parts. The first part is a theoretical introduction to parapsychology, where the author explains his views on the nature of reality, the human mind, and the paranormal phenomena. He also criticizes the conventional scientific approach to parapsychology and argues that it is based on false assumptions and prejudices.

The second part of the book is a practical guide to parapsychological techniques that the author claims to have learned from various sources, such as ancient texts, secret societies, and personal experiences. He describes in detail how to perform exercises such as:

  • How to develop psychic abilities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, psychokinesis, and remote viewing.

  • How to hypnotize yourself and others and use suggestion and persuasion to influence people's thoughts and actions.

  • How to project your astral body and travel to different places and dimensions.

  • How to heal yourself and others with psychic energy and magnetism.

  • How to use symbols, rituals, talismans, and spells to achieve your goals and protect yourself from negative forces.

The author also claims that by practicing these techniques, you can achieve a higher state of consciousness and awareness that will allow you to transcend the limitations of the physical world and access a higher reality where anything is possible.

What are the pros and cons of reading Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf?

Reading Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf can have some benefits and drawbacks depending on your perspective and expectations. Here are some of them:


  • You can learn about a different perspective on parapsychology that challenges the mainstream scientific view.

  • You can explore various topics related to the paranormal that may spark your curiosity and interest.

  • You can try some of the exercises and techniques described in the book and see if they work for you or not.

  • You can download Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf for free from various websites without paying anything or breaking any laws.


  • You may find the book hard to understand or follow due to its complex language and concepts.

  • You may find the book offensive or misleading due to its controversial content and claims.

  • You may encounter some risks or dangers if you practice some of the techniques without proper guidance or caution.

  • You may waste your time or money if you expect the book to give you any reliable or useful information or results.

How to download Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf for free?

If you are curious about Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf and want to read it for yourself, you may wonder how to download it for free. As we mentioned before, the book is not available in any official or legal way, so you will have to resort to some alternative sources that may not be very reliable or safe. Here are some of the websites where you can find Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf for free:

  • Tuxdoc: This is a website that offers free downloads of various PDF files, including books, magazines, manuals, and more. You can download Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf by clicking on the link and then on the download button. However, be careful as the website may contain ads or pop-ups that may redirect you to other pages or ask you to install software.

  • Idoc : This is another website that allows you to download PDF files for free. You can find Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf by searching for it on the website or by clicking on the links provided. You can then download it by clicking on the download button or by scanning a QR code. However, be aware that the website may also have ads or pop-ups that may be annoying or harmful.

  • Freebooksksl: This is a website that claims to offer free downloads of books in various languages and genres. You can find Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf by typing the keyword in the search box or by browsing the categories. You can then download it by clicking on the download button or by entering your email address. However, be cautious as the website may not be trustworthy or secure.

As you can see, downloading Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf for free is not very easy or safe. You may encounter some risks or problems such as viruses, malware, spam, scams, or legal issues. Therefore, we do not recommend downloading Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf from these websites or any other similar ones. If you really want to read Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf, you should try to find a legitimate and authorized source that respects the author's rights and the law.

Is Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf a reliable source of information?

One of the main questions that you may have after reading Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is whether the book is a reliable source of information or not. Is the author telling the truth or is he making up things? Is there any evidence or proof to support his claims or are they based on his imagination or beliefs? Is the book based on science or pseudoscience?

The answer to these questions is not very clear or simple. Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is a very controversial and disputed book that has been criticized and rejected by many experts and authorities in the field of parapsychology and science. The book has been accused of being unscientific, irrational, illogical, unethical, dangerous, and fraudulent. Some of the main criticisms that have been made against the book are:

  • The author does not provide any references or sources to back up his claims or theories. He does not cite any scientific studies or experiments that support his views or techniques. He does not explain how he obtained his knowledge or skills or who taught him.

  • The author makes many extraordinary and sensational claims that are not supported by any evidence or logic. He claims to have access to a higher reality that is beyond the physical world and that he can manipulate it with his mind. He claims to have supernatural powers and abilities that defy the laws of nature and physics.

  • The author contradicts himself and makes inconsistent statements throughout the book. He mixes different concepts and terms from various disciplines and traditions without explaining their meaning or relevance. He uses vague and ambiguous language that can be interpreted in different ways.

  • The author promotes a dangerous and harmful worldview that can have negative consequences for himself and others. He encourages people to disregard the scientific method and rational thinking and to rely on their intuition and emotions. He encourages people to experiment with risky and unethical techniques that can harm their health, safety, and well-being.

On the other hand, Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf also has some supporters and followers who defend the book and its author. They claim that the book is a valuable and revolutionary source of information that reveals the true nature of reality and the human mind. They claim that the book is based on a higher wisdom and insight that transcends the conventional science and logic. They claim that the book offers practical and effective techniques that can help people improve their lives and achieve their goals.

However, these supporters and followers do not provide any convincing or credible arguments or evidence to justify their claims or opinions. They mostly rely on their personal experiences, testimonies, beliefs, or feelings. They mostly ignore or dismiss the criticisms and objections that have been raised against the book and its author.

Therefore, we cannot say that Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is a reliable source of information or not. The book is a highly subjective and controversial work that has been challenged and disputed by many experts and authorities in the field of parapsychology and science. The book has many flaws and problems that make it difficult to trust or verify its content or claims. The book also has some supporters and followers who believe in its value and validity, but they do not provide any solid or convincing reasons or evidence to support their views.

The best way to judge Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is to read it for yourself with an open mind but also with a critical eye. You should not accept everything that the book says as true or false without questioning it or checking it. You should not let yourself be influenced by the author's opinions or suggestions without thinking for yourself or seeking other sources of information. You should also be aware of the risks and dangers that may come with reading or practicing some of the techniques described in the book.


Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is a rare and controversial book on parapsychology that claims to reveal the secrets of the human mind and its hidden powers. The book was written by Jose Maria Herrou Aragon, a self-proclaimed parapsychologist and occultist who claims to have mastered techniques such as telepathy, clairvoyance, hypnosis, astral projection, and psychic healing.

The book is not available in any official or legal way, but you can download it for free from various websites such as Tuxdoc, Idoc , and Freebooksksl. The book is divided into two parts: a theoretical introduction to parapsychology and a practical guide to parapsychological techniques.

The book is a very controversial and disputed work that has been criticized and rejected by many experts and authorities in the field of parapsychology and science. The book has been accused of being unscientific, irrational, illogical, unethical, dangerous, and fraudulent. The book also has some supporters and followers who defend the book and its author. They claim that the book is a valuable and revolutionary source of information that reveals the true nature of reality and the human mind.

The book is a highly subjective and controversial work that has many flaws and problems that make it difficult to trust or verify its content or claims. The book also has some supporters and followers who believe in its value and validity, but they do not provide any solid or convincing reasons or evidence to support their views.

The best way to judge Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf is to read it for yourself with an open mind but also with a critical eye. You should not accept everything that the book says as true or false without questioning it or checking it. You should not let yourself be influenced by the author's opinions or suggestions without thinking for yourself or seeking other sources of information. You should also be aware of the risks and dangers that may come with reading or practicing some of the techniques described in the book.

We hope that this article has given you a brief overview of Parapsicologia Prohibida Pdf and its main topics, as well as some of the pros and cons of reading it. If you are interested in learning more about parapsychology or the paranormal, you can check out some of our other articles on these topics. Thank you for reading! d282676c82

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